Rai, Savyasachi Anju Prabir

Altodi Poltodi (This shore, That shore)

Altodi Poltodi thinks through aspects of permeability and preservation, provoking an image of shadowy protector figures. How do they interact with a landscape, what could they want to protect and where do they mark their boundary lines? Drawing from the ancient stories of Rakhandars, mythic beings that guard or protect Goan villages, this collaborative process weaves personal stories with the land and history of Goa. Altodi Poltodi began as a conversation between two friends on a bridge over a river, in a state of suspension, connecting two shores – those of memory and the present.


Rai works with image, text and site-responsive installations. Her practice involves painting, self-published books, games and audio-visual essays as approaches. She is interested in creating images from her experiences, where found materials, memories, weather and fiction collide. Her work largely moves around themes of space and permeability – how people engage with spaces and create their own logic of being in that space. Rai interacts with these notions as a means of inserting stories, subjectivities and alterations within them.

Savyasachi Anju Prabir holds a B.Cr.A in Film and Contemporary Arts Practice from the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru and an MA in Visual Anthropology from the University of Muenster, Germany. At present, Savyasachi is part of the Department of Film and Video Communication faculty at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. He uses text, sound and image to create multimodal works and brings a reflexive and collaborative methodology to academic and artistic practice. Drawing inspiration from the circadian rhythms of his environment, he seeks to arrive at new ways of artistic research and production.