VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research is a digital open access journal presenting artistic research, with a special emphasis on the Nordic region. It highlights the importance for Nordic artist-researchers of reflection as a mental discipline that, when interwoven with artistic practice, generates new knowledge. The journal is the result of a cooperation between Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) and the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills).


VIS aims to be a primary source of knowledge for anyone who wants to learn about, and immerse themselves in, the artistic research emanating from the Nordic region, as well as being a platform for international research that places a similar emphasis upon reflection. It is an open-access publication and uses the SAR Research Catalogue publishing platform for its submission and peer-reviewing processes, as well as for its final publications. The VIS website was released on 9 April 2018, together with the first Issue – Issue 0.

As the artistic research community has grown internationally, so has cooperation in this field between many Nordic art-education institutions. We share supervisors and expert committee members in what are often small and specialized fields of art; our teaching staff participate in exchanges and move between neighbouring countries, we utilise each other’s expertise in university and faculty boards and our students and staff participate in each other’s forum meetings and research events.

Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) and the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) are happy to have been able to join forces in creating and supporting a digital journal for artistic research. The journal is published twice a year and every issue features 5–7 peer-reviewed expositions. With this journal, we intend to contribute to insight, knowledge and awareness of the methods, contexts and ethical issues relevant to artistic processes. The hope is that having such a unified and widely-recognised regional resource will further strengthen Nordic cooperation in artistic research.

VIS is chaired by a Steering Committee consisting of three members from Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), and three members from The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills). An Editorial Committee, consisting of seven members, is responsible for content, for the peer-review process and for issuing calls for each new issue. The Committee has adopted an approach to peer-reviewing in which, rather than the process being blind, a dialogue is established between author(s) and reviewer.

VIS holds an open call for every issue. Up to seven expositions are selected by the Editorial Committee for entry into the collaborative peer-review process.

Published expositions in VIS are using the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND. This license is restrictive and only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. Read more.


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VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research

Heidi Paatere Möller, Editorial Project Manager
Stockholms konstnärliga högskola
Box 24045
104 50 Stockholm


Cecilia Roos
Vice-Rector of Research
Stockholm University of the Arts


The main languages for the journal are Norwegian, Swedish and Danish. English-speaking researchers, including those with this as a second language, are welcome to submit in English.


The name VIS has the same multiple connotations in the Swedish and Norwegian languages. It can mean both “show” and “wise”, but it also refers to the word “process” or “method”. Additionally, “vis” is Latin for “power” or “force”. The Latin root words “vis” and “vid” both mean “see”. They appear in a number of commonly used words, including visible and evidence. VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research therefore aims to render visible issues pertaining to artistic research and to do so with both strength and wisdom.


Ann Kroon
Director of the Research Office, Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH

Ann Kroon is Director of the Research Office at SKH, which is responsible for support to research and doctoral education. She holds a PhD in sociology from Uppsala University (2007) and has broad experience from teaching, research and administration, with several international elements. Ann is also further educated in photography and artistic research at Valand Academy and Konstfack.

Geir Ivar Strøm
Policy director, The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)

Geir Ivar Strøm is Director of the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme. He is graduated from NHH Norwegian School of Economics and has a long experience as administrator of higher education and research from different positions and institutions in Norway. He has been active in Norwegian and Nordic university administration networks and is elected member of the board of the Society for artistic research (SAR)

Anne Gry Haugland
Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen

Anne Haugland is Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen with Artistic Research as primary work field. She teaches critical reflection and methodology and functions as supervisor and advisor at all levels, just as she is a frequently used research opponent within a wide range of artistic disciplines across Scandinavia. Anne Gry Haugland holds a PhD in literature from the University of Copenhagen and is a member of the board of The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills).

Ellen J Røed
Vice-Chancellor, Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH

Ellen J Røed is professor of film and media at Stockholm University of the Arts where she currently holds the position as Vice-Chancellor. Since 2004, Røed has taught at art universities and conducted artistic research and she has developed her artistic practice through an interdisciplinary approach where she explores the material and social conditions of moving images and how they operate performatively. She has worked to develop artistic research since 2012; especially on the board of The Norwegian Artistic Research Program and currently on ELIA's working group for artistic research.

Morten Schjelderup Wensberg
Chairman, The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (part of Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills)
Morten Schjelderup Wensberg is professor of conducting at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Faculty of performing arts. He is also associated with Talent Norway (“Talent Norge”) as leader of the Norwegian Conductors Program (“Dirigentløftet”). Wensberg was dean of the Faculty of performing arts at UiS 2018-2022 and served as leader of the National council for performing and creative music education in Universities Norway (“UHR Nasjonalt fagorgan for utøvende og skapende musikk”).

Erik Gandini
Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Documentary Film, Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH

Erik Gandini is an Italian-Swedish film director, producer and professor of documentary film at Stockholm University of the Arts. His directing credits include After Work (2023), The Swedish theory of love (2015), Videocracy (2009) and Surplus (2003).


Tale Næss
Dramaturg, playwright and author

Tale Næss is a dramaturg, playwright and author living in Tromsø. She has a master in film theory from NTNU and a PhD in playwrighting from Oslo National Academy of the arts, and works a project leader for ArtLab, a series of live art laboratories run by Davvi – Center for the performing arts. Næss has worked across the field, often in interdisciplinary constellations. She has written novels, plays, poetry and librettos. She does sound pieces both for gallery spaces and the web, and has a particular fascination for the human voice.

Mia Engberg

Mia Engberg is a filmmaker, author, and researcher who holds a doctorate from the Stockholm University of the Arts, SKH. Her research explores darkness as a material in cinematic storytelling, and her research project resulted in the award-winning Belleville Trilogy, which has been showcased in Sweden and internationally. She has authored three essay books on film and is currently a member of the Swedish Research Council’s Committee for Artistic Research.

Michael Francis Duch
Professor, and Deputy Head of Research at NTNU - Department of Music

Michael Francis Duch is professor of double bass at NTNU - Department of Music, where he also serves as the Deputy Head of Research. He is a former member of the Young Academy of Norway and was an research fellow at NTNU from 2007 to 2010 with the project "Free Improvisation - Method and Genre," where he conducted artistic research on free improvisation and experimental music. Duch has been involved in more than 80 recordings in various formats and has collaborated with John Tilbury, Pauline Oliveros, Mats Gustafsson, George Lewis, AMM, Christian Wolff, Tony Conrad, Joëlle Léandre amongst others.

Behzad Khosravi Noori
Assistant Professor of Practice, Communication and Design at School Of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Habib University

Behzad Khosravi Noori, Ph.D., is an artist, writer, educator, play grounder, and necromancer. His research-based practice includes films, installations, as well as archival studies. Khosravi Noori uses personal experience as a springboard to establish, through artistic research, a hypothetical relationship between personal memories and significant world events between micro and macro histories.

Eliot Mmantidi Moleba
Research fellow at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts, KHiO

Eliot Moleba is a theatremaker, director, and researcher, who occasionally performs random acts of journalism. He was a resident dramaturg at The South African State Theatre (2015–2018) before moving to Norway to pursue his PhD at KHiO. He is mainly interested in narrative research, especially looking at how we use narratives to not only speak ourselves into existence but also situate ourselves in a given place and time.

Gunhild Mathea Husvik-Olaussen

Gunhild Olaussen’s artistic output over the past decade has comprised both solo works and collaborations in various constellations of artists. Her works – which straddle dramatic art, visual art, music and sound art – have been exhibited in galleries, site-specific locations, public spaces and theatre, dance and music venues in Norway, Europe, Asia and the USA. Husvik-Olaussen defended her doctoral degree in scenography at the Norwegian Theatre Academy in 2021 and has since been active as an external specialist at the Norwegian Film School, Oslo National Academy of the Arts and the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen. She is currently engaged as Director of Programmes at Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts


Mia Engberg (2017–2018 )
Lina Persson (2018–2019)
Darla Crispin (2017–2021)
Trond Lossius (2017–2022)
Serge von Arx (2017–2023)
Anna Lindal (2017–2023)
Cecilia Roos (2017–2024)
Magnus Bärtås (2017–2024)


The Research Catalogue (RC) is an international, mixed media database for artistic research with around 12000 users. RC is run by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) and is largely financed by its portal partners. Portal partners are for example organisations, institutions and journals in the artistic field. Stockholms konstnärliga högskola, The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme and VIS are all portal partners of RC.

All expositions presented in VIS have been created by the artists themselves with the help of RCs publishing tools. The expositions therefore vary in terms of design and are not expected to conform to set templates or specific visual format requirements. Anyone can publish an exposition on RC, and the contents are not judged or controlled in any other way than those which are outlined in the terms of use. On the other hand, the expositions that get presented in VIS have been carefully selected by the Editorial Committee and passed through a peer review process before being approved for publication.

The Research Catalogue server is operated at KTH's IT-department in Stockholm, and both the software and all data are stored at KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, with daily back-up procedures.

Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights. Published expositions in VIS are using the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND. This license is restrictive and only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. Read more.

Read more about Copyright and Research Catalogue here: Copyright Concerns

Visit the VIS Portal on RC here

Read more about RC

Other journals affiliated with RC: RuukkuJournal for Artistic Research (JAR) and Sonic Studies.


We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the VIS website. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, please let us know that the problem exists.

The expositions in VIS have been created with the help of the Research Catalogue (read more above). The Research Catalogue offers the researcher an online platform in which sound, images, video and text can be combined in an integrated format for presentation, and in which the visual disposition and the focus on different media formats can be decided by the author herself/himself. Due to this multi-media publication format, the expositions in VIS are not compliant with all of the the accessibility requirements.

Contact us if you need content from the expositions that are not available to you. Depending on the exposition's complexity, we can provide you with a pdf version of it. Text content, images and videos can also be transformed into a more accessible form.

Please send an email to with other issues regarding accessibility.